Many organizations face substantial challenges in collecting, storing and using data in the cloud. Here are three ways solution providers can help.
Dustin MilbergGuest Contributor
Published: 30 Apr 2021
Data is playing an increasingly important role in business monetization. As a result, it's no surprise organizations have now tied their success to the collection and use of their data.
However, maintaining proper data posture in the cloud can pose challenges, as it can be all too common to experience data sprawl or siloes. Data security represents another paramount concern.
Here are three ways strategic solutions providers help their customers improve cloud data management.
Keep an eye on ongoing optimization
The cloud isn't a one-and-done solution once an organization has migrated. Instead, it demands close attention be paid to cost control, security evolution and performance optimization.
Organizations must ask the following questions: Where will data live and why? How will data be collected, catalogued and used? What is the established process? And, perhaps most importantly, is there a master data management strategy with supporting security structures in place? To answer these questions, organizations must continually strategize and clearly delineate responsibilities -- efforts for which solution providers can provide advice.
Additionally, AWS and Microsoft Azure -- currently, the largest cloud players -- offer native tools in their cloud environments that can assist with cost control, security and performance optimization. Organizations can also obtain many non-native tools that work with any public cloud provider.
Regardless of which tools they use, channel partners can identify areas of improvement, underutilized resources and IT solutions that best align with organizations' goals.
Accelerate business time-to-value with AI/ML
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can play a useful role in the cloud for the collection, storage and analysis of data.
For AI/ML to have successful results, data must be easy to access without sacrificing security, which is why the cloud is the perfect fit. Added flexibility, agility, scalability and speed are some of the primary advantages that public cloud offers, as opposed to a pure infrastructure play, which simply cannot deliver at the same level.
When coupled with a well-formed AI/ML strategy, the cloud affords companies the opportunity to increase the monetization of data. Solution providers can help organizations harness AI/ML to monetize information in a fast, effective manner.
If maintaining a cloud environment is not an organization's core competency, solution providers can provide measurable value by taking on these responsibilities.
Offer cloud skills to fill gaps
When managing data in the cloud, one of the biggest challenges for organizations is to use the right technical staff without taking them away from other business-critical technical projects.
For decades, the maintenance of on-premises technical infrastructure has been the norm, so it is common for organizations to find skill gaps in cloud operations. With cloud expertise being so popular, hiring new expertise can be unfeasible.
If maintaining a cloud environment is not an organization's core competency, solution providers can provide measurable value by taking on these responsibilities.
The future points to the cloud
As organizations look to the future, they must keep in mind the cloud will continue to play a key role for business competitiveness. Organizations should plan for how they will use the cloud for flexibility, scalability, accessibility and security.
The COVID-19 pandemic has only accelerated the rate of change in the modern business landscape. As a result, organizations must see the cloud as table stakes -- not a "nice to have" -- to keep up.
About the author Dustin Milberg is a seasoned enterprise technology executive and the field CTO of cloud services at InterVision, an IT strategic service provider and AWS Premier Consulting Partner based in Santa Clara, Calif., and St. Louis. At InterVision, Milberg focuses on helping customers adopt a holistic approach to developing and delivering sustainable platforms and solutions, while enabling technology organizations to optimize the entire operation: people, process, infrastructure, operations, development, quality and security.